Legal and Administrative Services

A member of the PROFI COM agency team in the office, in front of the computer displaying the company's logo on the screen

We understand the challenges of legal and administrative tasks in business. Our team will help you efficiently handle these tasks, allowing you to focus on the core of your business.

Legal Services

PROFI COM provides professional, reliable, and efficient legal services, including:

  • Company Status Changes: This includes changes in the address, changes in the executive director, changes in the name, changes in the founders, or the founding capital
  • Preparation for the Operation of a Business Unit: Within the legal entity
  • General Legal Acts for Legal Entities: Regulations, procedures, decisions, resolutions
  • Mandatory Documents for the Operation of Legal Entities and Parts of Legal Entities: For example, retail facilities
  • Labor Relations: Including employment contracts, job position systematization, statements, decisions, regulations, reports, everything related to labor relations and employment
  • Contracts: Various types of contracts between individuals and legal entities
  • Execution Procedure: Includes pre-litigation warnings and debtor lawsuits
  • Intellectual Property Rights: Registration and renewal of trademark registrations
  • Closing and Deleting a Company

Administrative Services

In administrative tasks, we can assist you with the following services:

  • Fiscalization of Outgoing Invoices
  • Electronic Banking
  • Preparation and Submission of Reports and Employee Registrations with the Tax and Customs Administration
  • Preparing Letters, Requests and Applications
  • Filling out Various Forms and Providing Instructions
  • Preparation and Submission of Documentation to State Authorities and Institutions
  • Completing Payment Orders
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